set doc = smsMainDB.CreateDocument 'create a new document
with doc
 | .form = "SMSMULTI"
.smsMobiles = "4459696845,4423452355,3423462666,7835682383" 'upto 250 in this format, Must be a Notes List
.smsBody = "Dear member, our system indicates that you have not updated your records today. Please login to..."
.smsBodyUni = makeUnicode( .smsBody(0) ) 'For use with non-Germanic strings. Not required from smsPULSE V4
.smsMobileFrom = "4477872424353" 'this is optional
.deleteMe = "Y" 'must be caps Y, this is ignored if some messages have failed to deliver
.submit = "Y"
.createdBy = session.UserName
.smsCallback = "Y" 'optional, see note below (caps Y)
.gsm = "Y" 'optional. Dual mode only, forces delivery via GSM (caps Y). Do not use if "bygsm" is used.
.gsmQue = "34089" 'optional. Specifies that the GSM device with a phone number containing "34089" is used.
.smsFlash = "Y" 'optional
.bygsm = "4423452355,3423462666" 'optional. Multi-mode only, forces delivery via GSM of these nos, Must be a Notes List.
'gsm field must Not be set to "Y" in this case.
'now set Authors and Reader for the document
nameList(0) = "LocalDomainServers"
nameList(1) = session.UserName
nameList(2) = "[Admin]"
Set item1 = New NotesItem( doc, "Authors", nameList, AUTHORS)
Set item2 = New NotesItem( doc, "Readers", nameList, READERS)
'optional attachment of an image, which will route the message as MMS
Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem( doc, "atta" )
Set object = rtitem.EmbedObject( EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", "c:\mms_newProd.jpg") 'file name must start with "mms_"
'ready to save - smsPULSE will pick message within 2 seconds if its queue is empty
call .save( true, false ) |
end with |