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Send Restrictions - Directory
From smsPULSE V8.1.5 you can control who is allowed to send messages using data from your main directory. For other usage controls including quotas and destination countries, please see here
- Specify that the control allows or disallows sending of SMS (White or Black listing)
- List groups from the main directory
- List groups of groups to any level
- Include names of users
- Include internet addresses
- Use wild cards for names of users, including organisational units (OU)
- Use wild cards in internet addresses
To enable the feature, open the system profile and update it as follows:
In the Web UI perform the same:
Wild cards assumptions:
- Wild cards apply to names only, and not to groups
- Wild cards cannot be listed inside a group
- The wild part of the name must always be at the left most, for example */marketing/org, or */eu/marketing/org
- No wild cards in the middle or right side of a name
- Internet domain senders is already limited to five external domains
Order of search:
- Search for direct name or internet address match (RFC821)
- Search on wild cards
- Search on group membership
Group searches assumptions:
In order to perform speedy look-up on groups, we need to be able to use a view that lists all the groups a sender belongs to. This index is automatically created on the main directory and is set to be hidden.
- The groups that are checked are found in the main directory only
- You may use any group type in the directory
- You may include internet addresses as members of a group
A useful tool you can use
To make it easy for you to test the feature, you can use the server console to check if names are found or not. The checks are performed in the exact same way as they are checked when an email is sent to the system. Therefore, the tool saves the need to send emails to smsPULSE for the sole purpose of testing the feature.
To use the tool we use a console command as follows:
>tell smspulse dn <name>
The <name> is replaced by the name you wish to check. You should not use the < and > symbols. For example:
>tell smspulse dn Joe Blogs/marketing/pcs
>tell smspulse dn "smsPULSE Support" <>
>tell smspulse dn
Please note that smsPULSE will check the name you provide by using it "as is" but will also convert names to fully distinguished names and, if you used an internet address in RFC822, the address will be converted to RFC821.
The above tests will produce the following:
> tell smspulse dn Joe Blogs/marketing/pcs
> smsPULSE: Checking name:[joe blogs/marketing/pcs]
> smsPULSE: Checking alt name: cn=joe blogs/ou=marketing/o=pcs
> smsPULSE: Found in profile list thanks to wildcard match:*/ou=marketing/o=pcs
> tell smspulse dn "smsPULSE Support" <>
> smsPULSE: Checking name:[smspulse support <>]
> smsPULSE: Checking alt name:
> smsPULSE: Searching Direcory Groups
> smsPULSE: Name not found
Please note that an SMS is allowed depending on the type of list, white or black.