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Console Commands

A number of commands are available for the smsPULSE add-ins. The commands for the main add-in are listed below.

You may also issue commands to the server tasks using the Web UI. See more here Database 'sms.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Server command using the Web UI'.

Type "te smspulse help" for the current list.

Available smsPULSE console commands (use the first two letters):
Use the first two letters as shortcut: "te smspulse xx"

statusDisplays lines status and prods each line
name "name"
dname "name"
Restarts the communication lines
Pings the gateway for session
Checks a name against From Overrides
Performs a name test using directory white/black
creditGets the latest credits over HTTPS
Refreshes the design of the dbs
Signs the database after design update
unlinkUnlinks the dbs from the templates
flushFlushes the system memory now
abortAborts all smsPULSE tasks, including smsROUTER and smsLINES
Resets quota credits, if used
Resets Delivery confirmations checks, if used
helpShows this list
Quits smsPULSE (needed for upgrades)
Aborts all running smsPULSE tasks

>load smspulse
This server task is inserted at the end of existing tasks in the notes.ini file. In a partitioned server environment you have to add smspulse to the list of tasks manually. smsPULSE will invoke smsROUTER and smsLINES if these are not running.

>load smsrouter
This server task is also inserted at the end of existing tasks in the notes.ini file. In a partitioned server environment you have to add smsrouter to the list of tasks manually.

>tell smspulse quit (or >te smspulse q)
This command simply terminates the add-in in an orderly manner.

Re-loading set-up information
>tell smspulse restart (or >te smspulse re)
This command forces the add-in to reload set-up information in the smsPULSE system profile. Please note that if you have made changes in your proxy configuration and you run "smsproxy.exe", then this command will read the new proxy settings too.

Checking for Credit
>tell smspulse credit (or >te smspulse cr)
This command requests that the add-in contacts the SMS Centre and updates its current credit level. Please note that the add-in manages its own credit control and occasionally checks credit levels with the SMSC. This caters for the situation where more than one smsPULSE server is sharing the same SMSC account.

Resetting Quota
>tell smspulse quota (no short version)
This command will check all user records which have a usage quota set and reset the records if more than a month has passed since credits were added. A record of this is added to sms.JOUR for the purpose of statistics. New in version 3.7.

Refreshing the smsPULSE databases design
>tell smspulse design (no short version)
This command will link the smsPULSE templates on the server root data directory with the actual databases and refresh the design. Please note that the default once the smsPULSE databases were created changes to the templates. This will not affect the design of the database, unless you execute this command.

Unlinking smsPULSE databases from design templates
>tell smspulse unlink (no short version)
This command will unlink the smsPULSE databases from their templates. This command is useful if you executed the console command above (tell smspulse design) and wish to unlink the databases from the templates so that these are not affected by the "Design" process.

Checking for Status
>tell smspulse status (or >te smspulse st)
This command presents some useful information about the current session of smsPULSE.
Sample Status report from the server console:

You may also call the above commands from the sms.ADMIN database:

For smsROUTER console commands click here Database 'sms.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'smsROUTER'
For smsLINES console command click here Database 'sms.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'smsLINES'